School Bombed and Dozens Killed, ‘March of Rage’ in Tel Aviv for Hostage Deal and an End to War

As the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip enters its 244th day, the occupation army committed on Thursday a massacre in a school affiliated with UNRWA in which hundreds of displaced people in Nusseirat camp in the central Gaza Strip, seek refuge at, killing and wounding dozens of them. WAFA correspondent said that the medical teams and civil defense recovered 32 bodies of killed Palestinians and dozens of injuries from the Male Al -Nusairat Preparatory School, which houses displaced people in Camp 2 in Nuseirat. He pointed out that an Israeli war plane targeted the upper floors of the school at night as people were sleeping, which led to killing and injuring a large number of them. In addition, six people were killed and others were wounded as a result of the bombing of the occupation aircraft of a house owned by Al-Madani family in the camp.

Protest against deadly war in Gaza held by Hadash students at Tel-Aviv University, Wednesday, June 5, 2024 (Photo: Zo Haderech)

According WAFA, the occupation army committed six massacres against families in the Gaza Strip over the past 24 hours, resulting in the killing of 68 civilians and the injury of 235 others. The number of people killed since the onset of the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip on October 7, has surged to 36,654, most of whom were children and women. The number of injured has so far reached 83,309.

According Israeli human rights organization B’Tselem, “The Israeli attack on the school in the a-Nuseirat Refugee Camp which housed internally displaced people is a suspected war crime. If, as Israel claims, Hamas used the school to plan military operations, this action is illegal, but it cannot justify the massive harm to civilians who sought shelter in the school from the horrors of Israel’s ongoing attacks. As demonstrated throughout the war, the killing of civilians is an unavoidable result of the character of Israel’s military activity in the Gaza Strip. Therefore, the international community must use all tools at its disposal to stop the fighting and advance a hostage deal.”

On Wednesday evening, thousands of people attended at a protest dubbed the “March of Rage” in Tel Aviv in front the headquarters the army to call for a hostage deal and an end to the war in Gaza. The protest comes amid pressure on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Israeli far-right government to finalize a hostage release and ceasefire deal put forward by Israel and revealed by US President Joe Biden late last week.

A large group of protesters hold a sign proclaiming in Hebrew that “Fighting doesn’t bring back hostages, only a deal will save lives,” while others hold up posters and signs with the faces of the hostages emblazoned on them.

During the protests, demonstrators block roads at the Kfar HaYarok Junction in Tel Aviv, Raanana Junction, Elyakim Junction and Karkur Junction, demanding the government reach an agreement to free the captives immediately.

During the demonstration, Einav Zangauker, the mother of the hostage Matan Zangauker, said, “This government has no right to abandon the hostages to die. They do not have the mandate to decide who lives and who does not. We want them all back home, the living and the murdered.” “Today, we received unequivocal proof that as a result of the military pressure, we received them dead! I call on the Israeli government to wake up. We want the deal now, it’s time for citizens to take to the streets, not to let cars pass, to block every junction and every road,” Zangauker stated.

Tens of thousands of anti-government protesters demonstrated in Tel Aviv on last Saturday night, calling on the government to advance a deal to release hostages held by in Gaza since October 7, and for the dismissal of Netanyahu and early elections. Attendees of Saturday’s protest said that it was the largest since Hamas’s October 7 massacre, with protest organizers estimating that some 120,000 demonstrators attended the Tel Aviv rally. Similar demonstrations were held at 60 locations around the country.
