Hadash on the ICJ Ruling: Must Be a Turning Point in How the International Community Treats Israel

The International Court of Justice (ICJ), in its ruling on Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories, determines that Israel’s policies, including the requisition of land for settlements, violate The Hague Regulations, which are among the founding treaties of international law. The ICJ notes in its decision on the legality of Israeli rule in the West…

Police Tries to Prevent Hadash National Convention

The Israel Police are trying to prevent a Hadash national convention scheduled for Saturday, December 16, claiming that it would feature “inciting speeches that would endanger the public’s well-being.” The police threaten facility owner in the city of Shefa-Amr (Shfar’am) in northern Israel where the event was to be held. Hadash Secretary General, Amjad Shbita,…