Tonight: ‘Time Has Come’ Huge Peace Camp Event in Tel Aviv

Tonight, Monday (July 1), Communist Party of Israel and Hadash activists will join the “Time Has Come”, a huge peace camp event in Tel Aviv. This will be an unprecedented event marking the launch of the renewed, united, and powerful Israeli peace movement.

Hadash MK Ayman Odeh will be the keynote speaker at the mass meeting. Also featuring: Prof. Yuval Noah Harari, Shaanan Street with Ayala Ingedasht and Safaa Hathut, Achinoam Nini and Nur Darwish, Yael Deckelbaum and Lian Khawila, Dugri: Saz and Uriya 

Hadash MK Ayman Odeh will be the keynote speaker at the mass meeting, tonight in Tel-Aviv (Photo: Zo Haderech)

The event is led by several major peace and human rights organizations, among them: Partnership for Peace, Combatants for Peace, the Israeli-Palestinian Bereaved Families for Peace, Forum, Zazim, Women Wage Peace, Standing Together, Peace Now, Ir Amim, Peace Now, Mehazkim, Abraham Initiatives, Rabbis for Human Rights, Mizrahi Civic Collective, The Faithful Left, Mothers Against Violence, Peace NGOs Forum, Psychoactive, Other Voice, Social Workers for Peace and Welfare, Mothers’ Cry, Kedma for Equality in Education, The Anti Occupation Bloc, Ir Amim. Itach-Ma’aki – Women Lawyers For Social Justice, The Negev Coexistence Forum For Civil Equality, Sadaka-Reut Arab-Jewish Youth Partnership, Breaking the Silence, Kahanism, Racism and Homophobia – Not In Our School, Machsom Watch, Parents Against Child Detention, Jordan Valley Activists, Social Workers for Democracy ,Yesh Gvul, Torat Tzedek, Isha l’Isha Haifa Feminist Center in Haida, Bimkom – Planners for Planning Rights, Emek Shaveh, Culture of Solidarity and Tlalmim – Young Adults in the Jewish Reform Movement.

One of the organizers, Maoz Inon, shared: “I am honored and privileged to share that I am also playing a leading role in organizing this event along with my partners, some of whom, like me, paid the heaviest price – losing loved ones, family members, and friends who were murdered or kidnapped by Hamas on October 7th. We lost our love ones, but we have not lost our humanity and belief in creating hope for a better future. I invite you to join our efforts and amplify our voices, share this message widely.” The event will be held at the Menora Mivtakhim Stadium at 18:30 and will be broadcast live.

To book a ticket: