Peace Activists Gather Against War in Gaza; Tens of Thousands Protest Across Israel

Demonstrators turned up Saturday night, June 8, in Tel Aviv, Beersheba, Ra’anana, Haifa, Caesarea, Karkur, Jerusalem, and other 50 locations around Israel. In Tel Aviv alone, according to organizers, one hundred thousand attended. Earlier with the weekly demonstrations against the far-right government, the Partnership for Peace held a rally in Tel Aviv’s Habima Square calling to “stop…

Occupation Army Blocks Peace Activists March to West Bank Settlement

The far-right government on Friday acknowledged for the first time that it allowed illegal construction to take place at Homesh in the occupied Palestinian territories, as soldiers barred hundreds Israeli peace activists and Palestinians from reaching the illegal outpost. The occupation army blocked several hundred activists, among them Hadash and Communist Party of Israel members,…

Israeli-Palestinian Memorial Ceremony Draws 15,000

Nearly 15,000 participants attended a joint Israeli-Palestinian memorial ceremony for victims of the occupation in Tel Aviv on Monday night. The event was organized by Combatants for Peace and The Parents-Circle Families Forum and some 200 Palestinians from the occupied territories attend Tel Aviv ceremony, after Israel’s top court ordered the state to grant them…

Next Monday: The Joint Israeli-Palestinian Memorial

The Joint Israeli-Palestinian Memorial is taking place on next Monday, 24th April, on the eve of Yom Hazikaron, sponsored by Combatants for Peace and The Parents Circle – Families Forum a joint Israeli-Palestinian organization of over 600 families all of whom have lost an immediate family member to the ongoing occupation of the territories According Combatants…