MK Khenin bill would forbid natural gas exports

MK Dov Khenin (Hadash) launched a bill on Tuesday, that would prohibit all exports of natural gas unless the government can ensure 50 years worth of sufficient quantities for use within Israel.  “Trade of gas without ensuring the welfare of our children will mean abandoning their health and will contradict the role of the state…

Bill raising marriage age passes first vote

The Knesset has approved a bill that would raise the minimum age for marriage to 18 in a first vote. The bill still faces a second and third vote. MK Dov Khenin (Hadash), the bill’s initiator, praised the step forward. “The Knesset is sending an important message in defense of minors,” he said. “Restricting marriage…

Occupation threatens to demolish most of Susiya village

On Tuesday, 12 June, Israel’s Civil Administration distributed demolition orders to 52 temporary structures in the Palestinian village of Susiya in the South Hebron Hills. The orders stated that they were renewals of demolition orders originally issued in the 1990s. Residents were given three days, until 15 June 2012, to appeal the orders through the…

Social justice activists questioned despite ban

Police questioned and searched the apartment of a social justice activist in Jerusalem despite a so-called “ban” that Public Security Ministry issued on such police tactics, activists said Wednesday. Vicki Vanunu, a public housing rights activist and single mother, received a summons by phone to appear for questioning by the Jerusalem police. “She was asked…

Police calling in summer protest leaders

Several leaders of last summer’s social protests have been called in for interviews at police stations around the country, in what officials said was an attempt to better prepare its forces for the reprise of demonstrations this summer.  According to “Haaretz”, some activists received summonses in the mail, while others have been visited personally by…

The African asylum seekers protest in Tel-Aviv, June 10, 2012

Protest in Tel-Aviv: “Refugees Are Not Cancer”

Hundreds of African asylum seekers held a protest march against government policy and violence directed against them by Tel Aviv residents on Sunday. The protesters marched from Tel Aviv’s Levinsky Park to the UN mission in Ha’hashmonaim Street carrying signs which read “Don’t forget history. Being a refugee is not a choice” “A refugee is…