CPI: New head of the International Relations Committee

Dr. Ofer Cassif is now substituted for Aida Touma-Sliman as the Head of the International Relations Committee of the Communist Party of Israel (CPI). Comrade Cassif is a member of the Political Bureau of CPI. He previously served as parliamentary assistant to the late comrade Meir Vilner, and was the first to be jailed for…

Hadash: Special approval for settlements transfers

MKs Dov Khenin and Mohammad Barakeh (Hadash) plans to introduce a law that would require special Knesset approval for any transfers of funds Israeli settlements in the Palestinian occupied territories. The law would require such approval for any outlays made outside the official borders of the State of Israel – and since the West Bank…

Hadash: Special approval for settlements transfers

MKs Dov Khenin and Mohammad Barakeh (Hadash) plans to introduce a law that would require special Knesset approval for any transfers of funds Israeli settlements in the Palestinian occupied territories. The law would require such approval for any outlays made outside the official borders of the State of Israel – and since the West Bank…

Israel bans 5 Gaza women from study in West Bank

Israel’s Defense Ministry said Thursday it would not allow five female students from Gaza to go to university in the West Bank, Israeli rights groups said. In May, Israel’s Supreme Court ordered the ministry to reconsider its refusal to allow the students to travel to the West Bank, after Israel admitted there were no individual…

Court rules: No tent city in Tel-Aviv

In a blow to civil and social rights activists on Wednesday, the Tel Aviv District Court rejected a petition demanding rights to pitch a new protest tent city on Rothschild Boulevard. The Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) and five social justice activists filed the petition three weeks ago, asking the court to force…

Knesset approves grants for battered women

The Knesset approved on Wednesday the final,  second and third readings of a bill authored by Hadash parliamentary fraction. The bill ensure that battered women who leave a shelter will receive an adjustment grant. MK Dov Khenin (Hadash) said that “in most cases, a woman who is forced to stay in a shelter out of…

MK Khenin slams VAT increase and neo-liberal policy

MK Dov Henin (Hadash) criticized the Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s economic and social policy on Tuesday over reports that the government will make up for increased spending by increasing the VAT. “Instead of cutting where necessary, they’re cutting from welfare, housing, health and education,” he charged. “Instead of focusing on taxing the rich, they are…

New report: How Israeli governments drained social services

“Between Realization and Dehydration” – a comprehensive report published by the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) – presents the processes and methods by which successive Israeli governments have cut back social services over the past three decades. Housing, education, heath, employment, welfare and more – all these were drained as Israel turned itself…

Hundreds attend social activist Moshe Silman’s funeral

Hundreds of people attended on Sunday the funeral of Moshe Silman, who succumbed Friday to his injuries from his self-immolation the previous Saturday night. He was buried in the Holon Cemetery, near his parents. Among those in attendance were social activists, some wearing shirts that said “Not nice,” a reference to Silman’s call for social…