Holocaust survivors protest against migrant and refugees deportation

Hundreds of people marched on Saturday evening in Tel Aviv to protest the deportation of migrants and refugees from Israel. Among the protesters were a number of Holocaust survivors, who joined with high school students and MK Dov Khenin (Hadash) to protest the government’s returning of hundreds of African illegal immigrants back to their home countries. In an effort to join the struggle against the deportation of migrants from Israel, Holocaust survivors marched across Tel Aviv, demonstrating against the arrest and expulsion of asylum seekers.


The protest is the initiative of Atta Buchman, 65, the daughter of Holocaust survivors, and Oren Rimon, a 15-year-old volunteer at a migrants’ children kindergarten. The connection between the two was formed when, as part of a school project, Rimon visited the retirement home where Buchman is staying. The two created a video in which Buchman invites the public to the protest march. Her own life story inspired many to join the campaign and attend the rally. “I wasn’t thinking about holding a protest before I met Atta, but having read about the current situation with the refugees I got angry and together we realized that a protest was in place as it was not done in this capacity before,” Rimon said journalists.