Police intelligence told to target activists and Arabs joining social protests

Police intelligence told to target activists joining social protests. But, unlike the directives about Jewish demonstrators, which focus on social justice activists and leftists, a directive issued to intelligence officers does not specify which type of Arab demonstrators police should watch out for. Police intelligence officers have been told to collect information about Arab-Palestinian citizens…

Social justice activists hold ‘Black Night’ procession in Tel Aviv

Social justice activists hold alternative celebration in protest of White Night organized by municipality against mayor’s policies, police violence. 700 protest activists marched Thursday night from Tel Aviv’s Habima Square to the southern neighborhood of Shapira. The procession, dubbed “Black Night,” was held parallel to the “White Night” cultural event organized by the municipality. The…

MK Khenin slams Tel Aviv Mayor

MK Dov Khenin (Hadash) praised the Meretz factor in the Tel Aviv City Council on Tuesday for its decision to leave Labor Party Mayor Ron Huldai’s coalition. Khenin slammed Huldai for preventing protesters from setting up a tent city, saying, “He apparently has yet to understand that in a democracy, the mayor does not get…

Hadash: Solidarity with Susya residents

Hadash MK’s Afo Agbaryeh, Hanna Sweid and Dov Khenin visited this week the Palestinian Susya village, along with Rabi Arik Asherman of Rabbis for Human Rights. This Friday, Israelis will stand in solidarity with the Palestinians of Susya to oppose the Israeli authorities’ plan to wipe out the entire village following demolition orders issued by…