Next weekend: The Marx Forum

The fifth annual Marx conference devoted to “Left Perspectives on the International Crisis of Capitalism” took place in Tel Aviv, Haifa and Beer-Sheva on May 2011, under the auspices of Hagada Ha’smalit (Left Bank) Alternative Cultural Center. In addition to 25 panelists, approximately three hundred people participated in the meetings and discussion. Summaries of lectures were…

MK Barakeh during a demonstration against the occupation

MK Barakeh Meets Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas

Palestinian newspaper Al-Ayyam quoted on Monday President Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) stressing that he wants to see the Palestinian reconciliation agreement implemented and all obstacles in the way overcome. Abbas made these statements during a meeting with MK Mohammad Barakeh, the chairman of the Democratic Front for Peace and Equality (Hadash), and Nazareth mayor Ramez…

Activists protest outside racist MK Regev’s home

Dozens of activists gather on Saturday on Likud MK’s Miri Regev doorstep, observe moment of silence in protest of her inciting and racist statements against African migrants and refugees. Some 25 of Regev’s and Likud supporters arrived on the scene, and responded to the silent protest by shouting abusive and more racist comments at the…

Right-wing MKs incited to racist violence

MKs Miri Regev, Danny Danon, Yariv Levin (Likud) and Michael Ben-Ari (National Unity) attended a racist demonstration against African migrants and refuges held in south Tel Aviv’s Hatikva neighborhood, last Wednesday. MK Regev, formerly the Israeli army spokeswoman, is a member of the Israeli parliament from the governmental and right-wing Likud Party, told protesters during…

Hadash won two local Workers Councils

Dissent Labor MK Eitan Cabel vowed Thursday to take the Histadrut labor federation to court to challenge the results of Tuesday’s leadership race, even though he lost by a huge margin to incumbent Histadrut chief Ofer Eini. With Labor neo-liberal Eini led Cabel, 66.5% t to 33.4%. Eini’s Ogenim list for the Histadrut convention received…

Protest against hiring teachers by contract

The Lobby for Direct Employment held on Wednesday an emergency session in Knesset against the privatization of the school system. The lobby is concerned over plans to hire teachers on contract – as opposed to state employees – to extend the school day by teaching extra hours. “The time has come for all workers in…

Knesset passes controversial occupation bill

The Knesset on Monday evening approved a law that offers a 35-percent tax break on donations to NGOs that encourage settlements in the Palestinian occupied territories. The legislation passed a final reading in the plenum by 33 to 13, after a brief debate. The amendment to an existing law offers an income tax exemption worth…

Hadash: Occupy Histadrut

Voting opened at 8:00, Tuesday morning, in elections for the chairmanship of the Histadrut Labor Federation, its central committee and leadership of the Na’amat women’s labor organization. The union’s 2,066 polling places, most of them in work places, are scheduled to be open until 10:00 p.m. The official results are expected Wednesday. Neo-liberal Histadrut Chairman…

MK Khenin demands Sa’ar to get involved in HILA strike

  Chairman MK Dov Khenin (Hadash) of the Knesset’s Direct-Employment lobby called on Education Minister Gid’on Sa’ar, Monday, to get involved and prevent the firing of teachers in the HILA program for at-risk youth. HILA teachers staged a strike over notice from their employers – the Association of Community Centers – that they faced pre-dismissal…