Hadash support the nurses’ strike

Nurses across Israel have launched a general strike on Monday after negotiations over their employment terms reached an impasse. The healthcare professionals claim that the agreement that they had reached with the Finance Ministry earlier this year has not been upheld. The deal put an end to the previous nurses’ strike in February. Nurses Union…

Hadash welcomes Barak’s departure

Member of Knesset Dov Khenin of the Democratic Front for Peace and Equality – Communist Party of Israel (Hadash) welcomed, Monday, the announcement by Defense Minister Ehud Barak that he is leaving politics after the January Knesset elections. MK Khenin said, “Barak’s resignation cannot hide his great responsibility four terrible years of political deadlock, damage the…

Hadash elected the list for the Knesset elections

Hadash convention delegates on Saturday, reelected MK Mohammad Barakeh at first place on the electoral list for the next Knesset elections during a convention in the northern town of Shefamr (Shfaram). “Starting tomorrow, we will continue our efforts towards our main goal. Until today we were busy arranging the list, and we are now prepared to…

Hadash: Upcoming elections are decisive

Hadash, the Democratic Front for Peace and Equality (DFPE), the political and social coalition headed by the Communist Party of Israel, regards the upcoming elections for the Knesset (the Israeli parliament) as decisive. The front calls upon all center and left political forces to establish a parliamentary bloc that will prevent extreme-tight and neo-liberal Prime…

The Developments in the Middle East and the Danger of War

A discourse of Issam Makhoul in Nicosia, Cyprus, 2.10.2012 Let me start by congratulating – on behalf of the Communist Party of Israel – our comrades in AKEL and the whole of the Cypriot people, on the occasion of Cyprus Independence Day. We wish you great success in your just struggle to peacefully restore the…

CPI: New head of the International Relations Committee

Dr. Ofer Cassif is now substituted for Aida Touma-Sliman as the Head of the International Relations Committee of the Communist Party of Israel (CPI). Comrade Cassif is a member of the Political Bureau of CPI. He previously served as parliamentary assistant to the late comrade Meir Vilner, and was the first to be jailed for…