Communists parties across the world opposed to any military action against Iran

We the undersigned Communist and Workers Parties express our grave concerns and strong condemnation of the recent statements by the Israeli policy makers, about attacking Iran.  We believe the statements of Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli Prime Minister, signalling that Israel is prepared to wage a pre-emptive military attack on Iran before the US election, could drag the region into a new war with unimaginable consequences.  There are important indications that the Israeli plans are coordinated with powerful officials in the US administration and certain governments of the EU.

We simultaneously condemn the position of the US and EU in the form of the consenting silence with regards to the actions of the state of Israel. We believe that the policies of US imperialism and its allies with regards to the nations of Middle East have encouraged the Israeli leadership to feel free to promote openly aggressive and belligerent policies whose consequences would be to inflame the entire region of the Middle East and jeopardize global peace. We believe that the key to removing tensions in the region and securing peace is to denounce military interventions, overt and covert, in the countries of the Middle East. All conflicts and disputes in the region should be resolved through negotiation based on preserving peace and the Charter of the UN and respect for the sovereignty of nations.

We declare our solidarity with the struggle of the Iranian people for peace, human and democratic rights and social justice.  We strongly believe that the destiny of Iran and its social-political structure is only for the Iranian people to decide. We believe heightening the tension by declaring irresponsible positions such as annihilation of the State of Israel and military gestures regarding the closure of Strait of Hormouz, by some of the Iranian regimes leaders, only serves Imperialist plans for military intervention in the region. We once again declare our support for the struggle of the Iranian working class and its Party, the Tudeh Party of Iran and all the progressive and democratic forces fighting for democracy, independence, social justice and a region free from Imperialist military presence and intervention.

Supported by: Algerian Party for Democracy and Socialism (PADS), Communist Party of Australia, Communist Party of Austria, National Liberation Front, Bahrain; Communist Party of Bangladesh, Communist Party of Belgium, Workers Party of Belgium; PCdoB, Communist Party of Brazil; Workers Party, Brazil; Communist Party of Britain, Communist Party of Canada, Communist Party of Catalonia, Communist Party of Chile, Communist Party of Colombia, Socialist Workers Party of Croatia, AKEL (Cyprus), Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (Czech Republic), Communist Party in Denmark, Communist Party of Egypt, Communist Party of Finland, Communist Party of France, The Pole of Communist Renaissance in France, German Communist Party (DKP), Communist Party of Greece, Communist Party of Guadeloupe, Hungarian Communist Workers Party, Communist Party of India, Communist Party of India (Marxist), Communist Party of Israel, Tudeh Party of Iran, Communist Party of Iraq, Communist Party of Ireland, Workers Party of Ireland, Communist Refoundation Party of Italy, Party of Italian Communists (Italy), Communist Party of Jordan, Socialist Party of Latvia, Communist Party of Lebanon, Socialist People’s Front (Lithuania), Communist Party of Luxemburg (KPL), Communist Party of Malta, Communist Party of Martiniquais, Communist Party of Mexico, Party of Progress and Socialism (Morocco), Democratic Socialist Vanguard Party (Morocco), New Communist Party of Netherland, Communist Party of Norway, People’s Party of Palestine, Communist Party of Pakistan, Communist Party of Peru, Communist Party of Poland, Communist Party of Portugal, Communist Party of Peoples’ of Spain, Communist Party of Sweden, Communist Party of Sudan, Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Party of Independence and Labour of Senegal, Communist Party of Spain, Communist Party of South Africa, Communist Party of La Réunion, Communist Party of Turkey, Movement Ettajdid (Tunisia), Workers Party of Tunisia, Communist Party of USA, Communist Party of Uruguay and Polisario Front (Western Sahara).