Hadash: Upcoming elections are decisive

Hadash, the Democratic Front for Peace and Equality (DFPE), the political and social coalition headed by the Communist Party of Israel, regards the upcoming elections for the Knesset (the Israeli parliament) as decisive. The front calls upon all center and left political forces to establish a parliamentary bloc that will prevent extreme-tight and neo-liberal Prime Minister Netanyahu from being reelected to office.

In his Facebook page Member of Knesset Dov Khenin wrote that center and left political forces are not far from reaching a parliamentary majority of 61 MKs. He added that Hadash can reach four or more MKs and other political parties representing Arab-Palestinians in Israel can together reach several MKs. Khenin claims that Hadash will be part of this parliamentary bloc in the Knesset, just as it was part of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin’s parliamentary majority following the 1992 elections.

The DFPE has yet to publish its political programme towards the elections. However Hadash wants to adopt the demands of Israel’s 2011 popular and massive protest movement and increase the size of its parliamentary representation. The front expects to strengthen its power, especially amongst the young public in Israel. MK Khenin said that “these elections are an opportunity for the protest movement to produce political change.”