Dr. Afo Agbaria Wrote to UN Secretary-General on War Crimes in Gaza

Member of the Knesset, Dr. Afo Agbaria (Hadash fraction) on Wednesday (June 3, 2009) wrote to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, asking that he be allowed to assist the UN investigation on war crimes during Israeli military Operation "Cast Lead" in the Gaza Strip. International prosecutor Richard Goldstone and his team of investigators arrived in Gaza via Egypt two days ago to begin the probe.


700 have been detained in public demonstrations held in Israel against war crimes in the Gaza Strip

From Communist Party of Israel

www.maki.org.il / info@maki.org.il


700 have been detained in public demonstrations held in Israel against war crimes in the Gaza Strip



Over 700 citizens and residents of Israel, mostly Arab-Palestinian, have been detained since Israel began its military attacks on the Gaza Strip on 27 December 2008. Detentions were made in the wake of public demonstrations, held primarily in northern Israel, Tel-Aviv-Jaffa and also in the southern city of Bee-Sheva; against Israel’s war crimes in the Gaza Strip.  

In addition to the detention of demonstrators, Israel conducted interrogations and preventative detentions of Palestinian leaders in Israel. The Chairperson of the National Democratic Assembly (Balad), Awad Abd al-Fatah, spent a night in detention and was subsequently released without charges. The Secretary of the Democratic Front for Peace and Equality (Hadash), Ayman Odeh, was interrogated by the GSS (Shin-Bet), as were leaders of the Abna al-Balad, Muhammad Canaane and Raja Aghbariya.  

The violation of the right to freedom of expression of citizens and residents in Israel is part of two separate but interrelated campaigns being waged by the Israeli government: the (further) marginalization and de-legitimization of Arab-Palestinians national minority in Israel, and the concealment of protest within Israel against the attacks on Gaza.  


Police Bans Annual Rally Against Occupation and War in Tel-Aviv

Israeli police bans annual rally against occupation and war in Tel-Aviv planned by anti-occupation groups coalition “Partnership for Peace” for tomorrow (Saturday) to mark 57 years since the Palestinian territories became occupied and against the ongoing war in Gaza. Organizers say the police first asked them to change the location and time of a march…