The Israeli-Palestinian Memorial Day ceremony held in Tel Aviv.

Despite Right-Wing Protests: Israeli-Palestinian Memorial Day Ceremony Marks 10th Anniversary

Thousands participated in the Israeli-Palestinian Memorial Day alternative ceremony in Tel Aviv on Tuesday evening, April 21, which was held for its tenth consecutive year despite right-wing protests.The event, organized by Combatants for Peace and the Parents Circle – Family Forum, was held in the Tel Aviv Convention Center. While only a few hundred people participated…

Palestinian and Israeli Women: Break the Wall!

This coming International Women’s Day (March 7), Palestinian and Israeli women are planning a joint demonstration to be held at the foot of the separation wall at the Qalandia check-point. Scheduled to begin at 11:00 am, the Saturday demonstration will take place under the banner “Women Break the Wall.” The Movement of Democratic Women in Israel…

ICL workers demonstrate in Be’er-Sheba against planned layoffs at the Israel Chemicals Bromine Compound, February 10, 2015.

Workers at Israel Chemicals Protest Planned Layoffs

On Tuesday, February 10, workers at the Israel Chemicals (ICL) Bromine Compound in the Negev demonstrated against the announced intention to fire 140 members of the staff at their plant. They were joined outside the corporation’s headquarters in Be’er-Sheba by employees from the Dead Sea Works, also owned by the privatized Israel Chemicals, who are…