Palestinian and Israeli Women: Break the Wall!

This coming International Women’s Day (March 7), Palestinian and Israeli women are planning a joint demonstration to be held at the foot of the separation wall at the Qalandia check-point. Scheduled to begin at 11:00 am, the Saturday demonstration will take place under the banner “Women Break the Wall.” The Movement of Democratic Women in Israel (TANDI) has issued a statement calling for “Solidarity between all women for the common struggle of equal rights for women in all walks of life.”

“We will demonstrate for the rights of every woman, regardless of age, religion, race, or nationality, to live in security and dignity, and to be free to realize her potential without hindrance, without discrimination, and without political, social, or economic oppression. This demonstration will make tangible the commitment of women to fight all such barriers, and their common call to put an end to discrimination, oppression, and occupation.”


The proposal to celebrate International Women’s Day by holding this demonstration was first raised at the Cana’an Conference, held in Berlin last December. The initiative was welcomed by the conference participants, seeing as it will enable women on both sides of the separation wall to “come together in an act of solidarity.” Among the organizations which proposed the demonstration are Isha L’Isha – the Feminist Center in Haifa, MahapachTaghir, the Movement of Democratic Women in Israel (TANDI), Women Against Violence, Women in Black, and the Coalition of Women for Peace.


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