Left and center parties signs pact pledging Arab-Jewish equality

Representatives of the left and center parties signed a covenant Sunday pledging to work toward equality and the closing of gaps within 10 years between Jews and Arabs in various aspects of life.  No right-wing parties were present at the signing ceremony, which took place at the Arab-Hebrew Theater in Jaffa. Also absent were representatives of the ultra-Orthodox parties and the Arab parties Balad and United Arab List-Ta’al.

Some of the speakers at the ceremony called on Arabs in Israel to vote in larger numbers in the upcoming election.  Signing the covenant, which was initiated by the Center for Jewish-Arab Economic Development, were MK Mohammed Barakeh (Hadash); MK Isaac Herzog (Labor); MK Ilan Gilon (Meretz); MK Doron Avital (Kadima); Hatnuah candidate Amram Mitzna;  and Yesh Atid candidate Ya’akov Peri.

MK Mohammad Barake and MK Dov Khenin (Photo: Hadash)

Chairs were left empty in the hall for representatives of Likud-Yisrael Beiteinu, Habayit Hayehudi, Shas and United Torah Judaism, after those parties turned down invitations to sign the covenant. The leaders of Balad and United Arab List-Ta’al initially said they would take part in the ceremony but cancelled shortly before it began.