Occupation forces complete evacuation of Palestinian outpost and kill worker south of Hebron

Early Sunday morning 500 police and IDF officers evacuated all those located in the outpost set up by Palestinian activists Friday in area E-1, an undeveloped area in the Ma’aleh Adumim settlement, east of Jerusalem. The evacuation came despite a High Court injunction temporarily preventing the state from evacuating for six days until the matter is discussed. Palestinian National Initiative leader Mustafa Barghouti was arrested during the eviction. “Thousands of Israeli officers surrounded the tents and arrested the inhabitants one by one,” Barghouti told news agencies.

Israeli Border Guard prevents activists from reaching the main gate of E1 area where the Palestinian camp “Bab Al Shams” is located, on Saturday, January 12, 2013 (Photo: Activestills)

According to Maan News Agency, Israeli forces shot dead a Palestinian worker on Saturday who was attempting to cross into Israel, Israeli medical sources said. Uday Kamil Muhammad Darwish, 21, was attempting to cross the border in an area south of Hebron when he spotted an Israeli military patrol and began to run away. Darwish, from Dura, worked in Israel but did not have a permit. He was shot in the back by Israeli soldiers and evacuated to Soroka Medical Center in Beersheba, Israeli medical sources said.



              Occupation forces moves to shut down Palestinian E1 protest