Occupation forces moves to shut down Palestinian E1 protest

Israeli forces moved to shut down protest tents in the E1 area of East Jerusalem on Saturday evening as Palestinian activists vowed to remain on the land. According to Maan News Agency “Israel’s military handed evacuation orders to activists in the Bab al-Shams protest village on Saturday, stating that the military intends to move protestors by force. Israel’s military has also prevented activists from neighboring areas access to the protest village since Friday.”

“We only have our determination, and it will not be easy to expel us from our homes. We will use our experience and skills to remain on the land,” said activist Abdallah Abu Rahma. Palestinian activists erected over 25 tents and a medical center in the occupied E1 area of East Jerusalem on Friday to protest Israeli settlement plans and protect Palestinian land from annexation.

Senior Fatah official Saeb Erekat said during a meeting Saturday that the Bab al-Shams protest movement is attempting to save the two-state solution at a time when Israel is determined to build settlements and undermine the very principles of two states. PLO leader Hanan Ashrawi also praised the activists for their “highly creative and legitimate non-violent tool” to protect Palestinian land, saying she fully supported and encouraged non-violent popular resistance against Israeli occupation.

The Palestinian camp “Bab al Shams” is being constructed by the Popular Committees in the E1 area, January 11, 2013 (Photo: Activestills)

250 men and women from across Palestine establish “Bab Alshams”. The group released the following statement:

“We, the sons and daughters of Palestine from all throughout the land, announce the establishment of Bab al Shams Village (Gate of the Sun). We the people, without permits from the occupation, without permission from anyone, sit here today because this is our land and it is our right to inhabit it.

“A few months ago the Israeli government announced its intention to build about 4000 settlement housing units in the area Israel refers to as E1. E1 block is an area of about 13 square km that falls on confiscated Palestinian land East of Jerusalem between Ma’ale Adumim settlement, which lies on occupied West Bank Palestinian land, and Jerusalem. We will not remain silent as settlement expansion and confiscation of our land continues. Therefore we hereby establish the village of Bab al Shams to proclaim our faith in direct action and popular resistance. We declare that the village will stand steadfast until the owners of this land will get their right to build on their land.

“The village’s name is taken from the novel, ‘Bab al Shams,’ by Lebanese writer Elias Khoury. The book depicts the history of Palestine through a love story between a Palestinian man, Younis, and his wife Nahila. Younis leaves his wife to join the Palestinian resistance in Lebanon while Nahila remains steadfast in what remains of their village in the Galilee. Throughout the 1950s and 1960s, Younis smuggles through Lebanon and back to the Galilee to meet his wife in the ‘Bab al Shams’ cave, where she gives birth to their children. Younis returns to the resistance in Lebanon as his wife remains in Bab Al Shams.

Bab al Shams is the gate to our freedom and steadfastness. Bab Alshams is our gate to Jerusalem. Bab al Shams is the gate to our return.

“For decades, Israel has established facts on the ground as the International community remained silent in response to these violations. The time has come now to change the rules of the game, for us to establish facts on the ground – our own land. This action involving women and men from the north to the south is a form of popular resistance. In the coming days we will hold various discussion groups, educational and artistic presentations, as well as film screenings on the lands of this village. The residents of Bab al Shams invite all the sons and daughters of our people to participate and join the village in supporting our resilience.”


According Palestinian People’s Party Youth  (YPPP) “Palestinians Youth in a show of defiance against Israel’s occupation and announced settlement expansion in the E1 area between East Jerusalem and the West Bank, 250 Palestinians erected tents and announced the establishment of a new Palestinian village named Bab al-Shams. We are looking now for real solidarity from all to Palestinians People and invite all to participate and join the village in supporting our resilience, support and solidarity these guys and this new way of against Israeli occupation and settlement expansion in West Bank.”