Daily rally in Tel-Aviv against Iran strike; Demonstrations all over Israel next Thursday

Dozens of people protested on Sunday in front of Defense Minister Ehud Barak’s house in Tel Aviv against launching a military strike. The protesters have staged demonstrations almost every day during the past two weeks, urging Israeli decision makers not to go to war with Iran

.Vigil against a war with Iran, Tel-Aviv, August  6, 2102 (Photo: Hagada Hasmalit)

The protesters held placards reading: “No to war in Iran,” “Social justice, not war,” and “Bibi has a nuclear bomb shelter, and you?” They also floated a “peace flotilla” of rubber ducks in a pool located at the entrance to the defense minister’s apartment building. Similar demonstrations have been held in front of Barak’s residence every day last week, except Friday. Next Thursday will be held demonstrations against war in Tel-Aviv (at 18:00 in front of the Ministry of Defense), in Jerusalem (18:00 in front of the Prime Minister’s residence) and in Haifa (19:00, Merkaz Hacarmel).

According to “Maariv” daily newspaper, Israel is prepared for a 30-day war on multiple fronts should it decide to strike Iran, and is “ready as never before” for such a clash, the outgoing home front defence minister said Wednesday. In an interview with “Maariv”, Matan Vilnai said Israel was ready to face the consequences of a clash with Iran that could be sparked if the Israeli government decides to launch a strike against Tehran‘s nuclear programme.

But he warned that any military engagement should be weighed carefully, and cautioned that Israel should “always coordinate” with the United States. “The assessments are for a war that will last 30 days on a number of fronts,” he said, repeating the predictions of other senior Israeli officials that civil population would suffer around 500 deaths in such a clash. “It could be that there will be less fatalities, but it could be there will be more, that is the scenario that we are preparing for according to the best experts.”