Jerusalem: Protest against racism and war

200 gathered on Saturday night outside of Prime Minister residence in Jerusalem and protested against racism and war. A lynch occurred on Thursday night, in which an Arab teen was injured.  The protesters chanted and carried Hadash banners: “Jews and Arabs refuse to be enemies,” and wielded signs reading “Where will the police be next time a lynch occurs?” Several protesters further called the government racist, while others protested against the possibility of and Israeli strike on Iran.


Jerusalemites protest against racism and war in Zion square on August 18, 2012, two days after a Palestinian youth was seriously injured alongside two others in the crowded and central Jerusalem square (Photo: Activestills)

Dozens of Jewish youths attacked three young Palestinians in Zion‘s Square, and quoted a witness who described the incident as a lynch on Facebook. The report said the Palestinians were attacked by youths shouting “Death to the Arabs” and other slurs. One victim fell on the ground and was beaten until losing consciousness.  “I saw a lynch with my own eyes, in Zion Square, the center of the city of Jerusalem ….. and shouts of ‘A Jew is a soul and Arab is a son of a bitch,’ were shouted loudly,” a witness wrote.  The witness said dozens of youths “ran and gathered and started to really beat to death three Arab youths who were walking quietly in the Ben Yehuda street.”