Haifa: A protest against the attack on Iran

This past Friday (August 10) dozens rallied in Haifa against the attack on Iran. Last Monday, (August 6) two hundred demonstrated outside the Defense Ministry, with the call: “Do not bomb. Talk! Rather than continuing the rhetoric of intimidation, it is time that the State of Israel will agree to join the regional talks, due to be held later this year in Helsinki, where Iran will participate.
Today is also the anniversary of the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima. On this day, the call is made all over the world read: No more Hiroshima, No more Nagasaki! We join this call and add: the safest way to end the nuclear arms race in the Middle East is to make the Middle East free of weapons of mass destruction. No attack on Iran. Yes to dialogue!”

The demonstration against the attack on Iran, yesterday, near the Baha’i Holy Place in Haifa (Photo: Al Ittihad)

In addition, Hadash and the Communist Party of Israel launched an anti-war campaign. Particularly striking was a commentary by well-know writer David Grossman, published in “Haaretz” (August 3) under the title, “As Netanyahu Pushes Israel Closer to War with Iran, Israelis Cannot Keep Silent.” Grossman extends his challenge beyond the military to the Israeli public at large, asking why aren’t there demonstrations at the prime minister’s residence opposing another war launched by Israel? “How will we face ourselves and our children when we are asked why we kept silent?”

