Israeli Facebook campaign against an Iran strike

Israel Defense Forces officials recently told the Knesset that roughly 300 Israelis would die as a the result of a concentrated Iranian missile attack. The number is lower than Defense Minister Ehud Barak’s estimation of 500. It was high enough, however, to drive a Facebook campaign.  The campaign, launched by Blue Collar Agency, aims to remind people that 300 isn’t just a number. “We have decided on a daily post which exemplifies exactly how much is 300 dead,” Shahar Cotani, a campaigner and designer at Blue Collar wrote. “No matter which way you turn it, we are left with too many,” he added. “300 killed are 150 couples. 300 killed are 9 kindergartens.”

One of the Facebook campaign’s ads: “Just how many is 300 dead? 150 couples or 9 kindergartens ” (Photo: Blue Collar)

In 2012, Roni Edry and Michal Tamir’s Facebook campaign under the slogan  “Iranians, we love you”  created a stir across the world, and even Iranians responded to the initiative, which inspired numerous other Facebook pages.  One of the largest groups on Facebook against striking Iran, “The people say no to striking Iran,” has over 2,600 members.  The idea, Cotani told “Haaretz”, was going around in his head for a few days after hearing the Defense Ministry’s estimate. “The numbers seem imaginary, but they are real. So I sat down and started investigating what three hundred is in terms my friends and I can grasp.”
