Against Occupation and War, Thousands Call for Peace and Life in Tel Aviv

Thousands attended Thursday evening, July 25, the “March for Peace and Life” from Habima Square to Dizengoff Square in Central Tel-Aviv, calling for a deal to end the war and occupation, a deal with Hamas for the return of hostages, as well as a lasting peace agreement with the Palestinians.

MK Ayman Odeh (with a sign in Arabic and Hebrew against the occupation) during the “March for Peace and Life” in Tel-Aviv, Thursday evening, July 25, 2024 (Photo: Zo Haderech)

Demonstrators carried signs reading against occupation of the Palestinian territories and the deadly war in Gaza and “Yes to peace, no to occupation” chanted “Only peace will lead to security,” and “Both in Gaza and Sderot, Girls want to live.”

The demonstration was organized by Israel’s peace movements and Hadash (Democratic Front for Peace and Equality), including Partnership for Peace, Standing Together, Women Wage Peace, Peace Now, and Breaking the Silence, among others. Among protesters, two Hadash MKs Ayman Odeh and Ofer Cassif.

During the gathering at Habima Square, two activists were arrested, one for wearing a watermelon shirt and the other for a watermelon sign. The watermelon has been used to symbolize the Palestinian flag, which shares its colors, amid a police crackdown on protesters carrying the Palestinian flag.

In addition, anti-government protesters on Thursday rallied in the northern town of Carmiel, demanding peace, early elections, and a deal to free hostages held in Gaza. Protesters blocked Route 85 at the Carmiel Junction, carrying banners accusing the far-right government of “abandoning” the north.

Zo Haderech reported that thousands of activists attended the demonstration, including northern residents and their supporters from across the country. Pro-democracy protest leader Prof. Shikma Bressler told the crowd that the abandonment of the hostages and the north was “consistent with the bigoted, racist worldview that has taken over the Israeli government and is leading us all to destruction.”

Dr. Amir Khnifess, chair of the Druze Movement for Democracy and Equality, told the crowd, in reference Netanyahu’s warm reception when he spoke to US representatives Wednesday: “We will not name a square or building after you, not even a chicken coop. Your place in history will be remembered as the one who destroyed the north and its cities, its agriculture, and the development of the most beautiful area of Israel.”
