Uproar at the Knesset After Ben-Gvir Demands Changing Al-Aqsa Status

Racist National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir caused an uproar on Wednesday, July 24, by vowing to change the status quo that prohibits Jewish prayer on the Al-Aqsa compound in Jerusalem’s Old City. During the controversial conference entitled “Israel’s Return to the Temple Mount,” the Ben-Gvir announced he had prayed on the site in defiance of long-standing conventions and agreements. “What needs to be said quietly will be done quietly. I was on the Temple Mount. I prayed on the Temple Mount,” he was quoted as saying by Haaretz. “I am the political echelon, and the political echelon permits prayer at the Temple Mount,” Ben-Gvir added. He said that all areas of the site should be open to Jews to pray and that there was no reason the site should not be open “24/7” for this purpose.

National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir at Al-Aqsa compound in Jerusalem’s Old City (Photo: Temple Mount Authority)

The National Security Minister’s latest statement drew furious condemnation by Hadash-Ta’al faction. MK Ofer Cassif said the move was a “declaration of war on the Muslim world. “Ben-Gvir is a pyromaniac interested in igniting a Third Intifada”, Cassif added. MK Ahmad Tibi labelled Ben-Gvir a “racist fascist who wants to start a religious war,” and according to MK Youssef Atawneh, “Ben-Gvir is playing with war issues and looking for any way to ignite the Arab society and declared war to the Muslim public.”

United Torah Judaism MK Moshe Gafni voiced similar criticism and demanded that no policy change occur at the Temple Mount. “The great blasphemy that has been committed cannot pass quietly,” Interior Minister Moshe Arbel (Shas) told the Knesset. Gafni also demand that the prime minister either preserve the status quo or “close the Temple Mount to Jews.” The Orthodox Chief Rabbinate maintains that due to the destroyed Jewish Temples’ Holy of Holies being located on the Temple Mount, Jewish people should not enter the compound.

In addition to controversy over the Al-Aqsa compound, Ben-Gvir has also received criticism for seeking to elevate his status in the Israeli cabinet that would enable him to make decisions regarding the management of Israel’s deadly war on Gaza. According to Israeli media reports, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was in talks to create a new body to manage the war in Gaza that would have included Ben-Gvir.

In addition, Ben-Gvir endorsed former US president and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump in an interview with Bloomberg published on Wednesday. “I believe that with Trump Israel will receive the backing to act against Iran,” Ben-Gvir said in the interview. “With Trump it will be clearer that enemies must be defeated,” he said.

Related: https://maki.org.il/en/?p=31613