Occupation Forces attacked a Protest of Palestinians and Israelis Against the War

Israeli police and occupation soldiers attacked Friday, February 9, a peaceful protest of Palestinians and Israelis against the war near Jericho. Protestors at the Almog Junction, south Jordan Valley, among them Hadash and Communist Party of Israel (CPI) activists, holds placards and banners with messages calling for a ceasefire and end of the war in Gaza. Occupation forces arrested protesters and confiscated placards, banners, drums and megaphones shutting down the demonstration

“There is no military solution”, Israelis and Palestinians holds placards and banners with messages calling for a ceasefire and end of the war in Gaza at a protest at the Almog Junction, south Jordan Valley near Jericho, West Bank, on Friday, February 9, 2024 (Photo: Alon Marcus)

“The peaceful anti-war demonstration of Palestinians and Israelis in the occupied Jordan Valley was met with a ‘closed military zone’ order followed by violence, arrests and seizure of equipment by the police officers and soldiers. This is how Israel treats, and have always treated, any joint Israel and Palestinian peaceful protest in the occupied West Bank,” said to journalists a PCI spokesperson.

Related: https://maki.org.il/en/?p=31507