Trajtenberg Report: Blatant insult

Harsh criticism was leveled today (27/9 against a report submitted by the govermental Trajtenberg Committee, which was tasked with formulating a new socioeconomic agenda. In a press conference in Tel Aviv, social protest leaders and experts on their behalf slammed the committee’s recommendations. Leef, one of the social protest leaders  Daphni Leef, one of the…

Who will stop Netanyahu and Barak?

With the coming of autumn, doubts return. In another month, after the holidays, clouds will blanket the sky, and make it difficult for spy satellites and planes to see what is afoot down below. Whoever entertains the thought that an attack on Iran would deflect attention away from the Palestinian issue will have to wait…

Israel and U.S. should recognize Palestinian state

“If the United States fails to recognize the Palestinian state, it will have difficulty sidelining its rivals in the new Middle East, where the public has more power than the rulers; if it recognizes the Palestinian state, it will have to ensure its sustainability, in other words, to direct the sanctions against Israel. Truly a…

The advantages of the Palestinian statehood bid

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas headed (18.9) to New York at the head of a large delegation of officials. Saeb Erekat On the eve of the UN vote, Chief PLO negotiator Saeb Erekat said that the PA leadership, in cooperation with the Arab League and Qatar, has sought legal advice from all around the world…

Palestinian request for UN membership

Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Malki said (15.9) that the Palestinians will submit a bid for full membership at the United Nations Security Council on September 23, but said that they would be open to other suggestions. Riyad al-Malki (center) with president of Honduras   The remarks by Malki put an end to speculation that the…

Israeli and Palestinian Women Demonstrate Together

On both sides of the Qalandia Checkpoint (near Jerusalem) Saturday, September 17th, 11:00    YES to an Independent Palestinian State! For Full UN Membership to Palestine!   As we approach the UN general assembly’s discussion of the appeal to recognize an independent Palestinian state in 1967 borders, Israeli and Palestinian women work together, since June…