Tens of thousands of Israelis joined protests

Tens of thousands of Israelis joined protests Saturday evening, reviving their summer campaign against the high cost of living in Israel.  An estimated 50,000 people joined the demonstration in Tel Aviv. The broadcaster Channel 10 reported 45,000 had shown up.  In Jerusalem, 5,000 protestors joined the demonstration. The most applauded speaker at the Tel-Aviv rally…

Renewed social protest On Saturday night, 29.10

The main renewed social protest will open with a march from Tel Aviv’s Rothschild Boulevard at 20:00 to Rabin Square in the city center, where speeches will be delivered by a number of people, including Daphni Leef, alongside a slew of performances by several artists. Demonstrations are also set to take place the same evening…

Israeli plan to appropriate land of 30,000 Bedouin

A government plan, called the Prawer Plan, to relocate 30 thousands of Bedouin is a gross injustice. The Prawer Plan would effectively extinguish the Bedouin’s land claims without adequate compensation. This plan would appropriate land where 30,000 Bedouin are living in villages that are not recognized by the state, and which do not receive government…

Israelis join in as protests go global

Hundreds of Israelis gathered in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Haifa and Kiryat Shmona in solidarity with social justice demonstrations being held around the world on October 15th. Galvanized by the Occupy Wall Street movement, the protests on October 15th began in New Zealand, rippled east to Europe and returned to their starting point in New York.…