12,000 protest against Lapid’s neo-liberal measures

Several thousands of Israelis took to the streets in Tel-Aviv on Saturday night to protest against austerity measures presented past week as part of the state’s new neo-liberal budget. Rallies take place in other cities across the country, bringing back the social protest that took Israel by storm two years ago. Some 12,000 people marched in…

Knesset honors Red Army veterans

Every year on Victory Day, which falls on Thursday 9th May this year, they parade in uniform throughout Israel to celebrate Nazi Germany’s surrender to the Soviet Union. Victory Day, celebrated on May 9 to mark the defeat of Nazi forces at the hands of the Red Army, well be celebrated by communists activists tomorrow,…

MK Barakeh expelled during heated debate in Knesset

Hadash Chairman MK Muhammad Barakeh was expelled on Wednesday from the Knesset plenum following a heated debate on the “Governance Bill,” which was drafted by MK David Rotem (Yisrael Beiteinu). In a plenum session teeming with bitterness and aggression to a degree outstanding even by the standards of Israeli politics, the Knesset ratified by a…

Several streets closed in Tel Aviv and Haifa for May Day rallies

Several roads were close in Tel-Aviv and Haifa on Wednesday due the annual May Day parades. Among the streets blocked off in Tel-Aviv were King Shaul Street, Iben Gabirol, Arlozoroff, Dizengoff, Rothschild Boulevard and King George Avenue. With talk of early elections and the return of the social justice massive protests this summer, thousands marched…

More detainees held longer without seeing judge

Israel’s Shin Bet security service made in 2012, more use of a temporary order extending the time security suspects may be detained before being brought before a judge. According to a recent Shin Bet report submitted to Knesset, last year detention hearings were delayed for 10 detainees in all. Of these, two were held for…

Thousands demonstrated in Nazareth to celebrate May Day

Thousands participated in the worker’s solidarity march in Nazareth on Saturday (April 27) and called for social justice, peace, and equality. Members of the Communist Party of Israel (CPI) and Hadash activists participated in the rally, among them Knesset members Dov Khenin, Mohammed Barakeh, Hannah Sweid, and Afu Agbaria. Hadash chairman MK Mohammed Barakeh said…

60 MKs demand to block gas exports

At an emergency session of the Knesset’s Social-Environment Lobby on Wednesday, some 60 MKs signed a letter demanding that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu bring the issue of determining gas export allocations to the legislature. “The decision on the issue of exporting the gas from reservoirs discovered near Israel’s coasts bears far-reaching economic, social and environmental…