Thousands demonstrated in Nazareth to celebrate May Day

Thousands participated in the worker’s solidarity march in Nazareth on Saturday (April 27) and called for social justice, peace, and equality. Members of the Communist Party of Israel (CPI) and Hadash activists participated in the rally, among them Knesset members Dov Khenin, Mohammed Barakeh, Hannah Sweid, and Afu Agbaria.

Hadash chairman MK Mohammed Barakeh said to journalists: “This year, like in previous years, we are marking mayday, against the backdrop of the drums of war of the extreme right against the Palestinian people and other people’s of the region or against the workers, the weak and poor populations in Israel. Our struggle is one and for us mayday is a symbol of this struggle.” In a short speech at the end of the rally that took place at the Friendship House the Nazareth Workers Council chairman, Kamal Abu-Ahmad, called the Histadrut to declare a general strike against the economic and social policy of the righ-wing and neo-liberal government. The secretary general of CPI, Muhammed Nafah talk about the world-wide political situation and he mourns the late President Hugo Chávez “who served and led the Venezuelan people firmly, improving the life of the workers, peasants, women and youth, using the natural resources of the country for the benefit of the people and proving genuine internationalist solidarity with the peoples of Latin America and the world against the aggressiveness and domination of US imperialism.”

“No to the occupation .. No to the settlements” a banner at  Mayday Demonstration in downtown Nazareth (Photo: Eli Gozansky)

It should be noted that during the march through the main street of Nazareth the many demonstrators raised red flags, and carried effigies that pointed out how “the government is milking the people”, carried signs in Hebrew that said “When the government is against the people the people is against the government”. Additionally, they chanted to overthrow the government, war, and capital.

On Tuesday, May 1st evening, there will be a large demonstration in Tel Aviv with participation of social activists, among them members of CPI, Hadash, and the Young Communist League of Israel, Jews and Arabs. The demonstration will begin with a march that will leave from Rabin Square at 6:30 and will arrive at Gan Meir in the center of Tel Aviv-Yafo. On the same day two more demonstrations will take place  in Haifa and Madjal Krum. Additionally, on Friday, May 3th, there will be a Mayday demonstration in Beer-Sheva.