A moment from the alternative Israeli-Palestinian Memorial Day Ceremony held last year in Tel Aviv

110 Palestinians to Be Barred from Alternative Memorial Day Event

Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman announced Tuesday, April 10, that Israel will deny entry permits to 110 Palestinians who were planning to participate in the annual Israeli-Palestinian Memorial Day Ceremony next Tuesday, April 17. Liberman called the alternative Memorial Day ceremony, organized jointly by Combatants for Peace and the Bereaved Families Forum, a “show of poor taste and…

Protestors at Ugandan Embassies: “Don’t Cooperate with Deportation of Asylum Seekers from Israel!”

Starting today, Monday April 9, protestors at Ugandan embassies around the world as well as outside the Ugandan legation in Israel will demand: “Don’t cooperate with the Israeli PM’s plan to deport African people.” The organizers of the worldwide protest have written: “People around the world understand that seeking asylum is a basic right, and…

MK Ayman Odeh (center in light blue shirt) with former Hadash MKs Issam Makhoul (second from left, with black cap) and Abdallah Abu-Marouf (between Odeh and Makhoul) during a demonstration in front of Military Prison 6 in solidarity with 3 youths who are serving sentences for refusing induction into the Israeli military because of their opposition to the occupation, February 24, 2018.

MK Odeh in South Africa: “We’ve Come to Spread Our Cause because You Have Experienced Apartheid”

AMEC (The Afro-Middle East Centre of South Africa) hosted in Johannesburg last week a seminar entitled “Resistance from Within: Palestinian Citizens of Israel and the Struggle for Democracy, Equality and Justice.” Speakers included MK Ayman Odeh, Mustafa Abu Raiya and Ran Greenstein; the seminar was chaired by Tasneem Essop. “We’ve come to spread our cause…