The demonstration last Saturday night, December 19, in front of the Likud headquarters in central Tel-Aviv

Thousands March in Tel Aviv against Right-Wing Provocations

3,000 demonstrators marched through the streets of Tel Aviv Saturday night, December 19, to protest right-wing provocations against human rights and peace activists. Organizers gave the protest the title: “Standing together against a government that incites instead of offering solutions; against the far-right’s attempts to silence and intimidate, from inside the government and from without.”…

Mourners as they attend a memorial service for 18-year-old Saji Darwish, who was shot dead by soldier in March 2014.

Dozens of Palestinians Injured in Clashes North of Jerusalem; Birzeit Students Injured during Rally

Clashes with Israeli forces left dozens of Palestinians injured in Kafr Aqab in northern Jerusalem on Tuesday, March 10, Ma’an news agency said. The Palestinian Red Crescent reported that nine demonstrators suffered injuries from live fire to their lower extremities, and one was left in critical condition. Activists told Ma’an that dozens of additional demonstrators…

The A Bruenn JR shop in Berlin was vandalized by Nazis and its front wall was inscribed with anti-Semitic graffiti during Kristallnacht (Photo: Archive)

MK Dov Khenin remembers Kristallnacht

On Sunday, the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial Center in Jerusalem commemorated the 75th anniversary of Kristallnacht, “the night of broken glass,” when Nazi-fascists swept through Jewish towns and neighborhoods throughout Germany burning homes and synagogues, destroying shops, and attacking Jews. Some 500 Jews were killed in the attacks. Over 30,000 were arrested and sent to…