Thousands march in the rally in Nazareth on Saturday, October 10. Among the marchers were all MKs of Hadash: Joint List chairman Aymen Odeh, Dov Khenin, Aida Touma-Sliman, Yousef Jabareen and Abdallah Abu Ma'aruf.

Thousands Rally in Nazareth vs. Occupation & for an Independent Palestinian State alongside Israel

Thousands demonstrated in Nazareth on Saturday afternoon, October 10, while Palestinian protests continued throughout the West Bank, around Jerusalem, and along the border of the Gaza Strip. In Nazareth, Arabs and Jews took part in a demonstration organized by the Jewish-Arab Hadash front and the Communist Party of Israel (CPI). The protest was called to…

Knesset Passes Controversial, Fascistic “Counterterrorism Bill”

By a vote of 45-14, the Knesset passed the first reading of a controversial counterterrorism bill overnight Thursday, September 3. The bill significantly broadens the definition of “terrorism” and what constitutes a “terrorist organization” while simultaneously toughening punishments for such acts. The Zionist Union, the main opposition party, voted in support of the bill which…

Part of the crowd attending Saturday's solidarity visit at Duma. Addressing the audience, MK Aida Touma-Sliman

Hundreds Gather at Duma to Express Solidarity with the Village and Opposition to the Occupation

Hundreds of local residents, Palestinians from throughout the West Bank, Palestinian Arabs from inside Israel, and Jewish leftest activists from Hadash, including members of the Communist Party of Israel (CPI) and the Tarabut Movement attended a solidarity visit initiated by Hadash in conjunction with the popular committees in the region southeast of Nablus on Saturday,…