MK Khenin against capitalists over issue of exporting natural gas

Tensions stirred in the Knesset Economic Affairs Committee on Monday, as MK’s and gas industry capitalists sparred over the increasingly hot-button issue of exporting the country’s natural gas. The offshore Tamar reservoir is already flowing into the country’s transmission pipelines, with the 282 billion cubic meters found there dedicated to domestic use only. Tamar’s roughly…

60 MKs demand to block gas exports

At an emergency session of the Knesset’s Social-Environment Lobby on Wednesday, some 60 MKs signed a letter demanding that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu bring the issue of determining gas export allocations to the legislature. “The decision on the issue of exporting the gas from reservoirs discovered near Israel’s coasts bears far-reaching economic, social and environmental…

MK Khenin bill would forbid natural gas exports

MK Dov Khenin (Hadash) launched a bill on Tuesday, that would prohibit all exports of natural gas unless the government can ensure 50 years worth of sufficient quantities for use within Israel.  “Trade of gas without ensuring the welfare of our children will mean abandoning their health and will contradict the role of the state…

464 Palestinians Killed in Occupied West Bank Since October 7

The Palestinian Ministry of Health said Sunday, April 14, that 464 civilians were killed and 4,800 others were injured in the occupied West Bank since October 7, 2023. The ministry said in a brief statement that four Palestinians were killed and about 60 others were injured, most of them by bullets from the occupation forces and settlers, including 10 seriously injured,…

Human Rights Watch: Israel Starving Gaza Civilians as a Method of Warfare

Human Rights Watch (HRW) on Monday accused Israel of intentionally starving the civilian population in the Gaza Strip, citing comments from high-ranking officials and interviews with displaced Palestinian people. According HRW using starvation of civilians as a method of warfare, goes against international humanitarian law and constitutes collective punishment. The group charged that as the occupying…

Occupation Forces Suppress Anti-Settlement Rally in Sheikh Jarrah, Five People Detained

Occupation forces in Friday evening quelled the anti-settlement rally in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in East Jerusalem and detained five people, said eyewitnesses. They told WAFA that Israeli forces attacked participants in the peaceful rally that was held on the main street in the neighborhood, and detained five people, including four Israeli activists. One young member…