Day after 300,000-strong protests across Israel, Netanyahu said ‘government can’t satisfy everyone’

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced yesterday (Sunday) the formation of a special economic team to “reduce the soaring cost of living”, looking to ease tensions and mass protests a day after 300,000 people demonstrated across the country against government and for social justice. The team will be headed by a neo-liberal technocrat economist from Tel-Aviv…

Protest for social justice and against the neo-liberal government, in Tel Aviv, last Saturday, July 30

Another Mass Rally against the Government Next Saturday

Tent protest movement leaders, at a meeting to formulate a response to the passage of the Housing Committees Bill yesterday (Wednesday), said that the government seems not to have internalized the public demand for a change in socioeconomic policy, promising to expand their protest. MK Dov Khenin (Hadash) slammed Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu over the…

Activists’ demands to Israeli government: lower taxes, free education and end to privatization

After setting up joint protest headquarters on Tuesday, representatives of the 40 tent encampments scattered across Israel, students and youth groups released an agreement they had reached and guidelines for negotiating with the government. Also: protests continue across the country with activists blocking roads. The demands include lowering indirect taxes, canceling the national housing committees…

Protestors march to Netanyahu’s home: ‘The answer to privatization is revolution’

Hundreds of militants, among them Hadash members, university students and social activists marched yesterday (Wednesday) night to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s private residence in downtown Jerusalem Wednesday evening to protest Israel’s dire housing situation.  The housing protestors said that the apartment is not being used by the PM, who has two other residences, and therefore…

Jerusalem: Thousands march in support of Palestinian statehood

Thousands of left-wing activists marched in Jerusalem yesterday (on Friday afternoon) in a largest demonstration of support for an independent Palestinian state. Under the banner of “Independence for Palestine,” the march, which was organized by the Sheikh Jarrah Solidarity Movement, drew thousands participants, among them Hadash and Communist Party of Israel activists from across the…

A Hadash-CPI delegation meets with Abu Mazen in Ramallah

 A joint Hadash (Democratic Front for Peace and Equality)  and Communist Party of Israel (CPI) delegation meets, Friday June 10, with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) in Ramallah. Palestinian leader Abbas stressed in the meeting the centrality of the 1967 borders in both continued efforts toward peace talks and a simultaneous move to garner…