Jerusalem: Thousands march in support of Palestinian statehood

Thousands of left-wing activists marched in Jerusalem yesterday (on Friday afternoon) in a largest demonstration of support for an independent Palestinian state. Under the banner of “Independence for Palestine,” the march, which was organized by the Sheikh Jarrah Solidarity Movement, drew thousands participants, among them Hadash and Communist Party of Israel activists from across the country.

The march started from Jaffa Gate and ended in the weekly protest in Sheikh Jarrah, a direct inversion of the right-wing Flag March on Jerusalem Day, when tensions rose in east Jerusalem between right-wing marchers and Arab residents. March organizers said the route was also chosen because it was the border of east and west Jerusalem prior the occupation in 1967.

The rally, yesterday, in Jerusalem (Photo: Solidarity Sheikh Jarrah)

Several MKs participated in the march, including Dov Khenin (Hadash) and  Zehava Galon (Meretz). Other prominent public figures took part as well, such as former Speaker of the Knesset Abraham Burg (Labor), former MK Tamar Gozansky (Hadash) and former Attorney General Michael Ben Yair.

Palestinian, red and Israeli flags fluttered in the breeze as activists young and old carried signs that said “Only free people can negotiate,” and “67,” signifying a return to ’67 borders.


MK Khenin said “the struggle for Palestinian independence is for the future of this country. The government of Israel continues to take unilateral steps, building settlements and refusing to freeze construction. The Palestinians have come to realize they cannot sit idle while this is taking place. “Proceeding to a Palestinian state based on ’67 borders is the right step and is compatible with the interests of Israel,” he said.

Sheikh Jarrah Solidarity Movement said in a statement the message of the march was to change the country’s perception of a UN declaration of statehood as a “natural disaster like a political tsunami” to “an act of people thirsty for freedom.”


Telesur on the Jerusalem rally (0.44 m., in Spanish)