Protestors march to Netanyahu’s home: ‘The answer to privatization is revolution’

Hundreds of militants, among them Hadash members, university students and social activists marched yesterday (Wednesday) night to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s private residence in downtown Jerusalem Wednesday evening to protest Israel’s dire housing situation.  The housing protestors said that the apartment is not being used by the PM, who has two other residences, and therefore they intend to “put it up for sale.”

The police attacked protesters yesterday night Tel-Aviv, one woman was taken to hospital (Photo: Activestills)

During their march, the demonstrators chanted various slogans, including “the answer to privatization is revolution” and “the people demand social justice.” The protestors also urged coffee shop goers to join them, prompting several to join the march. Along the route, the protestors disrupted traffic on several occasions and for a few minutes blocked the road leading to the prime minister’s official residence. Police forces set up roadblocks in the area in order to prevent the activists from approaching the site. 300 people march yesterday night from the “tent city” in central Tel Aviv to Levinsky Park in the south of the city. The marchers chanting anti-Netanyahu slogans and demanding solutions to Israel’s housing distress. The police attacked the protesters for housing rights trying to block a road in Kfar Shalem neighborhood, Tel-Aviv, one woman was taken to hospital

Arab residents set up tents yesterday in the northern town of Baqa al-Gharbiyye, thereby joining the nationwide public protest against skyrocketing housing prices in Israel. Another tent city was erected in Acre (Akka) by local Hadash members. The activists, including the city’s Popular Committee and a local youth movement, were also protesting against the destruction of Arab homes and rise of land prices.  Posters hung on the tents read: “Instead of overpricing – invest,” “Bibi, we too deserve affordable housing,” and “Bibi, look at us too.”

Hadash chairman, MK Mohammad Barakeh visited the town to participated in the demonstration. “We suffer from land shortage and shortage in housing for young couples,” said Popular Committee Chairman Samich Abu Moch to MK Barakeh. “We are protesting to convey the message to the government that we are an integral part of this State and we have the right to ensure a better future for our children. So we demand the Interior Ministry provide us with land so we can build apartments.”

“The government should know that what’s good for the Arabs is good for the entire country,” he said. “We hope that the Housing and Construction Ministry take into account the housing shortage in the Arab sector as well, or else we’ll escalate our protest and take conventional and unconventional measures available under a democratic regime.”