Hadash: Government Approves Racist, Anti-Bedouin Program

Israel’s government on Sunday approved the recommendations of Minister without portfolio Benny Begin to “change the program regulating Bedouin settlements in the Negev”. The reform is aimed at solving definitively the issue of Bedouin ownership claims on Negev lands and according to Hadash it’s a “provocative and racist anti-Bedouin program – the Prawer Plan” September…

Arab-Bedouins demonstrated in Be’er Sheva

Some 2,000 Arab-Bedouins from the Negev staged a demonstration on Thursday morning outside of the government offices in Be’er Sheva, demanding the state rescind its plan to demolish homes in their community. Last week, a police unit entered Bir Hadaj village to distribute demolition orders. On Wednesday the police entered the village to arrest ten…

A resident of Al Araqib is blocked from entering his home by riot police, July 2010.

Prosecutor Forced to Drop Charges against Secretary of Hadash

During a hearing held in the Magistrate Court of Beer-Sheva the police prosecution announced the withdrawal of the indictment against Attorney Ayman Odeh, Secretary Hadash (Democratic Front for Peace and Equality – Communist Party of Israel) charging him with “preventing a police officer from fulfilling his duty,” during the demolition of the village of Al-Araqib…

Hadash: Solidarity with Susya residents

Hadash MK’s Afo Agbaryeh, Hanna Sweid and Dov Khenin visited this week the Palestinian Susya village, along with Rabi Arik Asherman of Rabbis for Human Rights. This Friday, Israelis will stand in solidarity with the Palestinians of Susya to oppose the Israeli authorities’ plan to wipe out the entire village following demolition orders issued by…