Jamaica Officially Recognizes State of Palestine

Jamaica decided on Tuesday, April 23, to officially recognize the State of Palestine, following discussions in the Cabinet the previous day. Kingston joins the ranks of approximately 140 UN member states and 11 Caribbean Community (CARICOM) countries that have recognized the State of Palestine.  Jamaican Foreign Minister Kamina Johnson-Smith (Photo: Wikimedia) In a press release,…

464 Palestinians Killed in Occupied West Bank Since October 7

The Palestinian Ministry of Health said Sunday, April 14, that 464 civilians were killed and 4,800 others were injured in the occupied West Bank since October 7, 2023. The ministry said in a brief statement that four Palestinians were killed and about 60 others were injured, most of them by bullets from the occupation forces and settlers, including 10 seriously injured,…

Urgent Appeal from the Armenian Quarter of Jerusalem

Settlers attempt to seize Armenian properties under the protection of Israeli authorities in the Armenian Quarter in occupied East Jerusalem. Tensions have mounted in the past month after an Australian-Israeli developer leased 25% of the Armenian Quarter, which is home to about 2,000 Armenian Christians, from the Armenian patriarch against the community’s will. A coveted…