Police Banned Jewish-Arab Meeting Against the War in Haifa

The Higher Arab Monitoring Committee announced held a press conference Thursday in the northern city of Nazareth following police ban on a scheduled Jewish-Arab meeting that was supposed to be held in Haifa on the against the war and its tragical consequences. Higher Arab Monitoring Committee chairman Mohammad Barakeh (Photo: Social TV) According to the…

Histadrut Will Not Announce a General Strike, Yet

Histadrut Labor Federation chairman Arnon Bar-David said on Wednesday that the country’s largest union will step in to prevent a constitutional crisis if the government refuses to abide by a potential High Court of Justice decision to strike down legislation. Bar-David met with a forum of employers leaders to discuss the possibility, against the backdrop…

Hundreds of Thousands Protest Overhaul for 14th Consecutive Week

Hundreds of thousands of Israelis attended nationwide protests for a 14th consecutive week against the far-right government’s plans to shackle the country’s judiciary on Saturday. Anti-Occupation Bloc activists marching in Haifa, Saturday evening, April 8, 2023 (Photo: Anat Halpern) Amid the Passover holiday, protesters in several demonstrations held banners of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as…

Hundreds of Thousands Take to the Streets, Vow Netanyahu’s ‘Pause’

Hundreds of thousands of Israelis protested against the far-right government’s judicial overhaul plan in some 150 locations across the country on Saturday, in a sign that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s announcement this week that he was temporarily suspending the legislation had not subdued opposition in the streets. Youth activists burning conscription warrants at the demonstration…

President Herzog Meets with Hadash-Ta’al for Judicial Reform Negotiations

President Isaac Herzog met Wednesday with representatives of several opposition factions as negotiations on the far-right government’s plans to radically remake the judicial system entered a second day. President Isaac Herzog meets with representatives of Hadash-Ta’al at the President’s Residence in Jerusalem, March 29, 2023 (Photo: GPO) Herzog held talks with Hadash-Ta’al, Labor and Ra’am…

Hundreds of Thousands Join Nationwide Protests, Declare ‘Week of Paralysis’

Amid massive protests throughout Israel on Saturday night against the far-right government’s judicial overhaul push, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant called on demonstrators to halt their activities – and on his own governing coalition to stop the fascist legislation. Hadash demonstrators among Anti-Occupation Bloc activists marching in Tel-Aviv with red and Palestinian flags, Saturday evening, March…

Undercover Cops Infiltrating Protests in Israel

Undercover police officers are posing as protesters at rallies against the government overhaul in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem to collect information on those attending the demonstrations, the Haaretz daily reported. The report said protesters last week in Jerusalem noticed an undercover officer in their midst, carrying an Israeli flag, a symbol of the protest movement.…