MK Khenin: Biometric database will form a ‘Big Brother’

The biometric identification database could be dangerous and cause a loss of privacy, MKs complained in a Knesset Science and Technology Committee meeting Monday. The committee discussed how the trial period for the biometric database is progressing and whether the government is able to properly secure it. MK Dov Khenin (Hadash) called the biometric database…

MK Khenin: Biometric database is bad news

After several delays, the Interior Ministry on Monday commenced the two-year pilot stage of Israel’s National Biometric Database Program. When completed, the database will include the biometric information – a face scan and fingerprints – of all Israeli citizens, accessible without court order to the police and security forces, including the army, the military police…

MK Khenin accused Yesh Atid of doing the right-wing government’s dirty work

MK Dov Khenin (Hadash) told the Knesset Wednesday, “The proposal to change the method of governance is anti-democratic. Increase the Knesset entrance threshold? What about small Arab and left-wing parties? How will they have enough votes to enable fair democratic representation? Additionally, how can the proposal warrant allowing a government to continue its tenure following a no-confidence…

MK Khenin proposes gay anti-discrimination bill

Schools will not be able to discriminate gay pupils if a bill proposed by MK Dov Khenin (Hadash) passes. The Ministerial Committee for Legislation will vote on the bill, which will add to the list of prohibited types of discrimination in the existing Students’ Rights Law the words “sexual preference, identity and gender.” The Israeli…

MK Khenin against capitalists over issue of exporting natural gas

Tensions stirred in the Knesset Economic Affairs Committee on Monday, as MK’s and gas industry capitalists sparred over the increasingly hot-button issue of exporting the country’s natural gas. The offshore Tamar reservoir is already flowing into the country’s transmission pipelines, with the 282 billion cubic meters found there dedicated to domestic use only. Tamar’s roughly…

MK Khenin: A dismal day for Israeli democracy

This Monday MK Dov Khenin (Hadash) castigated the Legislation Committee’s approval of the proposal to double the Knesset party entrance threshold to votes of 4% of the population, and require 61 MKs for a no-confidence motion. “The people are losing their trust in the political system. Democracy should allow small parties to enter the Knesset…

MK Khenin announced he’s not running for Tel-Aviv mayor

MK Dov Khenin ‏(Hadash) announced on Friday that he is not running for mayor of Tel Aviv. Khenin considered whether to run against present mayor Ron Huldai (Labor party) for a long time.  A poll showed Meretz MK Nitzan Horowitz had the best chance of any candidate to beat Huldai. The poll, ordered by Meretz…