MK Khenin: Biometric database will form a ‘Big Brother’

The biometric identification database could be dangerous and cause a loss of privacy, MKs complained in a Knesset Science and Technology Committee meeting Monday. The committee discussed how the trial period for the biometric database is progressing and whether the government is able to properly secure it.

MK Dov Khenin (Hadash) called the biometric database “dangerous and inappropriate.” “The trial period that started not long ago is a Trojan Horse that is meant to fully begin the project. We don’t want to live in a ‘Big Brother’ society. We cannot allow the government to rule us in such an extreme way,” said. MK Khenin also warned that any database can be hacked and that the pilot run is not properly secured. He called for the trial period to be canceled.

Science and Technology Committee chairman Moshe Gafni (UTJ) concluded the meeting with a decision that, due to the fears over loss of privacy and safety, the committee will continue to monitor the database’s trial period. “Information revealed in the last week raises concern that the level of security for the database may not suffice,” Gafni said. “In any case, the database’s necessity should be checked in addition to its usefulness.”


MK Khenin biometric database is bad news