Occupation forces evacuated Palestinian protest village

Israeli occupation forces on Sunday dismantled a protest village set up by Palestinian activists east of Jerusalem last week. The activists erected the tents on Wednesday in time for US President Barack Obama’s visit to Israel and the Palestinian Authority. In a statement, the activists described the initiative as “first, to claim our right as Palestinians to return to our lands and villages, second, to claim our sovereignty over our lands without permission from anyone.” The activists said it aimed to highlight their opposition to the Obama administration’s policies in the region, saying that it has been “complicit in Israeli occupation and colonialism.” “An administration that used the veto 43 times … in support of Israel and against Palestinian rights, an administration that grants military aid to Israel of over three billion dollars annually, can’t have any positive contribution to achieve justice,” the statement said.

Israeli riot policemen detain a Palestinian activist during an eviction of the Palestinian in the E1 area, occupied West Bank, early Sunday, March 24, 2013 (Photo: Acvtivestills)

The Palestinian Authority has said that E1 land, which lies between Jerusalem and the Ma’aleh Adumim settlement, is needed so the future Palestinian state will be viable and have territorial continuity. It warned that Israeli construction there imperils the two-state solution.

Israeli forces raided the Ahfad Younis village in Eizariya early Sunday, witnesses told Ma’an news agency, forcibly removing around 50 people from the area. They detained eight people, including Palestinian MP Mustafa Barghouthi, and transferred them to Maale Adumim settlement. Four people from Jenin were arrested, one from Bil’in, one from Bethlehem and one activist from Ramallah, witnesses said.  “The Israeli occupation prevents us from approaching our land while settlers are allowed to take control of it,” Barghouthi said, vowing that Palestinians would re-build the village.