Hadash on Lieberman resignation: A cynical move

Deputy PM and Foreign Minister Avigdor (Ivette) Liberman from the extreme-right Yisrael Beiteinu party announced on Friday he would resign from his position as FM and vice premier in the current government. Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein announced the decision to file charges against Lieberman on Thursday, in a case involving the promotion of former Israeli ambassador to Belarus.

Hadash poster: “There is no partner”.

 MK Dov Khenin slammed the move, saying it was “A cynical and meaningless move. A resignation tendered one month prior to the elections is meaningless. It’s a very serious problem, when the prime minister’s top political partner is a man accused of criminal acts and a man who flouts the law. Lieberman is not just a symbol for disregard for the law; he is also a symbol for trampling all over democratic norms. In a self-respecting democracy, no such man can serve in office.” MK Khenin agreed that “in a self-respecting democracy – such a person cannot serve in a central role. The public must make its voice heard at the ballot box and reject this man and his partners.”

According to “Haaretz” Lieberman will continue “to be involved in the ‘Likud-Beitenu’ campaign, will play a central role in coalition negotiations after January’s elections, and will run his party as a Knesset member even while his trial is in progress”.