Coalition demands protection for Palestinian farmers

The “Olive Harvest Coalition” and four human rights organizations – Rabbis for Human Rights, the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI), Yesh Din and B’Tselem – sent a letter to the Minister of Defense, the Attorney General, and military and police commanders in the West Bank, demanding they take action to protect Palestinian residents and property during the current olive harvest, in accordance with the principles established by the Israeli High Court of Justice.

Israeli soldiers arrest Mohammad Khatib as Palestinian and international activists block 443 highway, during a protest against the violence of the Israeli settlers, October 16, 2012. The direct action was organized in light of the increasing settler attacks against Palestinians and their properties during the current olive harvest season (Photo: Activestills)

Israeli military and security forces currently focus on securing harvests at prearranged times and places.  The disruptions and attacks, however, are taking place at other times, and in other areas.  Past experience shows that the military and police can act to prevent these incidents, because most of the events occur in areas close to settlements known by the authorities as extremist.  In 2008, for example, the Border Police’s Samaria Brigade was stationed in a ring around the Gil’ad Ranch during the olive harvest, and incidents of violence in the area were prevented that year.

The past week was unusual in terms of the extent of the theft and destruction of Palestinian olive groves, especially those near settlements and outposts known as trouble spots. According to early estimations, over 450 Palestinian trees have been damaged this week. Israeli troops on Tuesday used force to break up a protest against settler attacks on a main road in the West Bank.

Dozens of Palestinians and international activists blocked Route 443, west of Ramallah. A Palestinian news agency Ma’an reporter said several protesters were injured.  “The direct action today was organized in light of the increasing settler terrorism against Palestinians and their properties during the current olive harvest season, including the torching, uprooting or setting fire to olive trees, the theft of harvested olives, and the attacking of Palestinian families while picking olives,” the Popular Struggle Coordination Committee said in a statement.  “We organized this action today to stress that as long as Palestinians suffer under the daily practices of the occupation and settler terror, Israeli daily life can’t continue on as normal,” said activist Mohammad Khatib.

Demonstrators were also protesting the ban on Palestinians using the road. Since 2002, Israel’s military has prohibited Palestinians from using the highway, which Israel expanded on privately-owned Palestinian land. The ban disconnects seven villages from each other and from Ramallah. The Israeli high court ruled in Dec. 2009 that the ban on Palestinians using Route 443 in the West Bank should be lifted as it exceeded the Israeli military commander’s authority and broke international law.  Israeli’s military still denies Palestinians free use of the road, which is used by thousands of Israelis every day. Israel has reopened a small section of the road to Palestinians, but villagers are still unable to use it to access Ramallah.