MK Khenin: Palestinians and Israelis are paying greatly because the occupation

Social activists joined OneVoice Israel on Tuesday in Tel Aviv to draw the inextricable link between calls for social justice and demands for resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and to end occupation.

Hundreds congregated in Rothschild Boulevard around a massive ice wall, symbolizing the “freeze” in peace talks and containing posters with information on dozens of under-funded social programs in Israel, while the government bleeds money toward conflict management over resolution. “In life there is no status quo, if you don’t move forward you go backwards,” said MK Dov Khenin (Hadash). “The government of Netanyahu speaks of two states, but acts on a daily basis to make this solution harder. The price? It’s not only for the Palestinians, we too are paying greatly.”


The ice wall on Rothschild Boulevard (Photo: OneVoice)

“Our social needs are being frozen along with the peace process,” said Tal Harris OneVoice Israel executive director. “People forgot over the last 20 years that the peace process impacts their day-to-day life. We want to remind them of the need to freeze settlements and end the conflict once and for all by committing to serious negotiations.” The government’s defense budget ballooned to $14.5 billion in 2012, much of it to maintain the occupation, while education and health suffer serious deficits. Israeli taxpayers have so far bankrolled the occupation and settlement of Palestinian land to the tune of $50 billion while struggling to make ends meet.

Singers Noa (Achinoam Nini) and Mira Awad, MKs Khenin, Avishay Braverman, Nitzan Horowitz, Akram Hasoon and Raleb Majadele, and former  Ambassadors Ilan Baruch, Alon Liel and Daniel Shek, among others, participated in the event.

OneVoice is an international grassroots movement that aims to “amplify the voice of Israeli and Palestinian moderates, empowering them to demand a two-state solution. The movement educates and trains Israeli and Palestinian youth in leadership skills, non-violent activism, and democratic principles.”