Tel Aviv University students: End Palestinians ‘administrative detention’

In a show of solidarity with Palestinian prisoners in administrative detention, several dozen students from Tel Aviv University held a demonstration on Monday afternoon. Dozens of  students, lecturers and university professors, among them Hadash and Communist Party activists, called for an end to the practice, which allows Israel to indefinitely detain security prisoners without charge or trial.

A Hadash member, a 24- year-old sociology student, said the protest’s message was that administrative detentions “are illegal and must be stopped.” Prof. Adi Ofir, also present at the rally, said that administrative detentions are “part of a long list of the crimes of the Israeli occupation,” which he said must be ended.

A University security guard pushes a left wing activist as members of the right wing group “Im Tirtzu” protest in front of activists during a action against administrative detention , in Tel Aviv University, Monday, March 21, 2012 (Photo: Activestills)

The rather small protest was met by one of about equal size staged by the Zionist and right-wing group Im Tirtzu, whose activists waved Israeli flags, booed and shouted at the other protestors, calling upon them to stand up for human rights in “Syria and Gaza.” Im Tirzu spokesman Amit Barak said they came “to show support for those who believe in real human rights, the right to live in security,” which he said is represented by “the Zionist majority in Israel.”

Last week, Israel deported Islamic Jihad member Hana Shalabi to Gaza. She had been arrested at her West Bank home on February 16, and went on a hunger strike to protest her administrative detention. Shalabi agreed to end her strike on March 29 after 43 days, in accordance with a deal that bans her from leaving Gaza for three years. On Friday, Israeli military court renewed the administrative detention of a Palestinian lawmaker for the third time, Ma’an news agency reported.  Khalil al- Rabai, an MP with Hamas’ Change and Reform Bloc, has been held without charge since he was detained on Dec. 30, 2010, the Palestine news agency said. The court gave the parliamentarian a further six month’s imprisonment, the report noted.

Israeli authorities also renewed the detention of a 70-year-old lecturer at Nablus’ Al-Najah National University on Friday. Yousif Abdul-Haq was detained on October 7, 2011 from his home in Nablus.  Over 300 Palestinians are held in administrative detention in Israeli prisons, using laws dating back to the British Mandate period. Some 27 Palestinian lawmakers are in jail, 24 of them held without charge, according to latest figures from prisoners group Addameer.