Armenia Announces Its Recognition of the State of Palestine

The Foreign Ministry of Armenia announces Friday morning (June 21) that it is recognizing the state of Palestine. In a statement on its website, the ministry cites the “catastrophic humanitarian situation in Gaza” as well as the “establishment of lasting reconciliation between the Israeli and Palestinian peoples.”

“Armenians for justice in Palestine” (Photo: Armenian Action Network)

It calls for an immediate ceasefire and the release of the hostages “without preconditions.” Reaching a two-state solution is “the only way to ensure that Palestinians and Israelis can realize their legitimate aspirations,” the statement adds. “Based on the above and reaffirming its commitment to international law and the principles of equality, sovereignty, and peaceful coexistence of peoples, the Republic of Armenia recognizes the State of Palestine,” the statement says. Together with Slovenia, Spain, Ireland and Norway, who also officially recognized a Palestinian state over the past month, the move brings to 145 the number of UN member states that have done so. Israel’s Foreign Ministry said that in response to the recognition, the ministry had summoned the Armenian ambassador, Arman Akopian, to be reprimanded.

The Palestinian Presidency has commended the Republic of Armenia’s decision to officially recognize the State of Palestine as an independent and sovereign nation. In a press statement, the Presidency expressed deep appreciation for “this courageous and significant decision,” viewing it as a “pivotal step towards enhancing bilateral relations and fostering peace and stability in the region.”

The Presidency thanked Armenia for its “bold and wise move, which underscores the strong bonds of friendship between the two nations.” It also commended the commitment of the government and people of Armenia to supporting the Palestinian people and their legitimate rights to their land and to self-determination. “Armenia’s wise decision aligns with the principles of the two-state solution, a strategic choice that upholds international will and legitimacy. This recognition contributes positively to preserving the two-state solution, which faces systematic challenges, and promotes security, peace, and stability for all parties involved,” said the Presidency.

The Palestinian leadership urged other nations, particularly European countries that have yet to recognize the State of Palestine, to follow suit based on international legitimacy resolutions based on the 1967 borders, which include Gaza, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem.

Hussein Al-Sheikh, Secretary of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), lauded the Republic of Armenia’s official recognition of the State of Palestine. In a post on his X account, Al-Sheikh expressed, “We welcome the friendly state of Armenia’s recognition of the State of Palestine in accordance with international law and international legitimacy.” “This is a victory for truth, justice, legitimacy, and the struggle of our Palestinian people for liberation and independence. Thank you,

Hadash and the Communist Party of Israel applauded Armenia’s recognition of the State of Palestine.  “The recognition sends a message to the Israeli government and its American supporters that a large global majority rejects the Israeli occupation and Israel’s war of destruction in Gaza,” said in a joint communique.  “The wave of recognition of Palestine should not be seen as a diplomatic crisis but as an opportunity for peace. It signals to Israel that if it turns toward peace and co-existence alongside an independent, sovereign, and equal state of Palestine, it will live in peace with the region and with the world.”

“We call upon other states, and especially the permanent Security Council members France, the U.K., and the U.S., to recognize a Palestinian state on the 1967 lines. Only Palestinian independence and the recognition of the rights of the Palestinian people’s struggle against the occupation could guarantee peace and security in the region.”
