For Second Day Anti-Gov’t Protests Block Highways, Teenagers Block Roads

Anti-government protesters blocked traffic Monday (June 17) for the second day two key highways: Tel-Aviv-Jerusalem Tel-Aviv-Haifa. In addition, teenagers blocked roads in central Israel against the far-right government, to call for elections and a hostage deal.

High school students also staged walkouts in conjunction with the larger demonstrations, including one Tel Aviv-area walkout in which students proceeded to Route 5, a major highway, the Ynet news outlet reported.

Anti-government protesters blocking traffic in the highway near Jerusalem, Monday morning, June 17, 2024 (Photo: Black Flag Protest)

According Zo Haderech, protesters, among them lecturers and students from Tel-Aviv University also marched on the headquarters of the Histadrut labor federation, calling on its chief, Arnon Bar-David, to “get off the fence,” and declare a general strike. A large protest will take place at the Knesset today in Jerusalem at 7 p.m. this evening, before demonstrators march to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s residence.

Organizers of the protests said yesterday that their aim was to get a million people onto the streets over the course of the “week of disruption” and for the country to go to the polls before the one-year anniversary of October 7. Another rally will be held at the Knesset on Tuesday evening at 7 p.m. A rally is also to be held in the south on Wednesday evening, with the location to be announced. On Thursday, protests will be held outside Netanyahu’s residences in Jerusalem and Caesarea.

Ayala Metzger, whose father-in-law Yoram Metzger died in Hamas captivity, spoke Saturday evening on the stage at Kaplan Street in Tel Aviv, calling on the public to block highways and streets, demonstrate outside the residences of ministers, and practice civil disobedience during the coming days.
