Hadash-Ta’al to Vote Against Draft Law

Hadash-Ta’al MKs announced that they would vote against the Draft Law in order “to topple the destructive Netanyahu far-right government.” Hadash-Ta’al faction chairman MK Ayman Odeh reiterates his opposition to the enlistment law coming up for a vote in the Knesset plenum this evening (Monday), hours after tweeting that he would not “lend a hand to the continuation of Netanyahu’s rule” by supporting the legislation.

Addressing the Jewish-Arab parliamentary weekly faction meeting in the Knesset, Odeh states that he opposes mandatory service in the Israel occupation army and is “in favor of peace” adding that it is imperative to do everything possible to topple a government that has “committed crimes against humanity in Gaza and killed 15,000 children.”

MK Ofer Cassif (first from left) during a demonstration in solidarity with occupation refusers outside a military jail (Photo: Zo Haderech)

The Knesset plenum will vote tonight on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s proposal to apply the continuity clause – which allows laws that have passed in first readings in the past to be put up for additional voting – to the ultra-Orthodox draft law from the previous Knesset pushed at the time by the former minister and National Unity party head MK Benny Gantz, amid heightened tension in both the opposition and coalition.

Defense Minister Yoav Galant (Likud) will vote against the bill, his associates say. Gallant decided to take the rather drastic protest step of appearing in the Knesset plenum and publicly oppose the promotion of the conscription exemption, after already making clear his opposition in previous public statements. The consequences of Gallant’s dramatic move are not yet clear, including what punishment he may receive – such as dismissal from his position.

The issue of drafting the ultra-Orthodox sector is currently one of the biggest threats to Netanyahu’s coalition, even after Gantz’s resignation from the emergency government announced on Sunday. However, the Likud party refuses to close ranks and align for now, and Knesset lawmakers and ministers recently declined to commit to voting in favor of the law.