Movement of Democratic Women on Intl Children’s Day: End the War in Gaza

Ahead of International Children’s Day, on June 1, the Movement of Democratic Women in Israel (MDWI) demands, once again, the protection of Palestinian citizens, especially children and women, and the immediate cessation of the ongoing Israeli aggression against Rafah and the entire Gaza Strip. The demand to end the bloody war in the Gaza Strip echoes in mass demonstrations in Israel and around the world.

A mother mourns her child in Gaza Strip (Photo: WAFA)

On October 9, 2023, the MDWI condemned the killing and wounding of thousands of Israelis and demanded the release of the kidnapped people saying: “Enough of aggression! Enough of the siege!” The ongoing war in Gaza since then has claimed the lives of more than 36,000 Palestinians and injured more than 80,000 others, while many victims still buried under the ruins. Many of these victims are children and women.

“We call on the Government of Israel unconditionally allow the delivery of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip. Blocking water, food and medicine supplies and destroying most of the housing, hospitals and schools across the Strip are war crimes. We repeat and affirm that stopping the war and releasing the kidnapped Israelis and Palestinian prisoners are in the interest of the Palestinian and Israeli peoples,” MDWI said.

“We join the demand aimed at the Netanyahu government to implement immediately the International Court of Justice’s decision to stop harming civilians. We support the International Criminal Court’s intention to prosecute Prime Minister Netanyahu and Defense Minister Gallant for war crimes.”  MDWI participated in the founding of the Peace Partnership, the Jewish-Arab anti-war movement, “We send our greetings and support to all opponents of the war on Gaza, especially to the Israeli young men and women who refuse to serve in the army of war and occupation. On behalf of all Palestinian and Israeli children, we say: No to war! No to Racism! For a joint Arab-Jewish struggle for a just and stable peace between Israel and the Palestinian state that will be established alongside it.”